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Creating a Sense of Fulfillment at any Stage in Life

We provide comprehensive life and financial planning services to all our clients.

Benefits of working with Ohana:

  • Ongoing advice from your dedicated service team that includes a Financial Advisor, Investment Manager, Life Planner, Client Engagement Specialist
  • Streamlined account opening and digital account platform that integrates all aspects of your financial life into one place
  • Enjoy investment opportunities provided by a customized investment plan and a portfolio built around what’s important to you that will help you reach your goals
  • Maximize the social and environmental impact of your assets with SRI and ESG Investing
  • Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you have both a Life and Financial Plan that are built to help you fulfill your life’s greatest dreams
  • Educational Client Communications: Blog posts, emails and newsletters containing the latest in investing, financial planning, and environmental and socially responsible topics

Our Service Menu

Life Planning

Getting clear on what the most important things are to you living your ideal life

  • A series of meetings with a Registered Life Planner to help you discover what’s important for you.
  • Ongoing support to help you create a plan to reach all of your goals
  • The freedom to live your life of purpose

Wealth Management/Financial Plan 

A personalized comprehensive financial roadmap built around your results from the Life Plan

  • A financial plan checklist and organizer
  • A dedicated client portal that stores all of your financial information
  • An Asset Map that details your total financial life picture in an easy-to-understand format
  • Semi-Annual Financial Plan Review
  • Budget analysis and cash flow planning
  • Goal development, planning and monitoring/Goal Assessment and Prioritization
  • Retirement Analysis and Planning
  • “What if” Scenario planning
  • Social Security Maximization
  • Life, Disability and Long-Term Care Insurance Planning
  • Power of Attorney Review
  • College Funding Planning and Analysis
  • Pension Retirement Analysis and Guidance – 401a, 403b, 457, 401k, STRS, OPERS, etc.
  • Financial Account Aggregation
  • Charitable and Philanthropic Planning
  • Beneficiary Review
  • Estate Planning Review

Tax Management

Analysis and tax reduction strategies to help with one of your largest expenses

  • Annual tax planning and review
  • Dedicated team for tax preparation/integration and coordination with your CPA

Investment Management

Customized and diversified portfolios built around your values and tailored to your financial plan

  • Investment Risk Tolerance Review
  • Tax-smart implementation, including integrating legacy positions
  • Direct Indexing and Socially Responsible Portfolios
  • Ongoing Monitoring, Rebalancing, Tax-loss Harvesting and Performance Reporting
  • Concentrated Stock Solutions
  • Low Trading Costs
  • Access to investment resources and educations (newsletters, research and market data)

Ohana logo Cincinnati, OH Ohana Wealth & Life Planning

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